Monday, 24 October 2011

A story behinds Halloween

Hello boys & girls,

Halloween is coming very soon, it's just a week to go. I personally am not encourage to celebrate this festival but I believe these days most people might forget why is there a Halloween... I've heard a story lately, i am not sure if it's true but it's quite interesting... Here i am going to share with you all. 
Once upon a time, many years ago, October 31st was called Hallow Eve. It was a day when many people celebrated the lord and gave each other gifts in the act of sharing in the presence of God. However, it was the Devil's birthday on the same day and he was jealous. He began to slowly convince the people to celebrate it as his birthday, and Hallow Eve became Halloween.

 What do you think about this story? 

Miss Elisa

Monday, 19 September 2011

Welcome back to school!

Hello children, 

Welcome back to school, a new school term begins. May you all have a wonderful school year.

"Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be". - Marsha Petrie Sue

Miss you heaps,
Miss Elisa.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Do you like cooking?

Hi boys & girls...

Have you ever cooked anything in the kitchen before? Do you like to try cooking with your parents?
It's fun! Believe me, it's going to be a really fun family activity for you and your family!

Here is a simple recipe i found it online that you can try out with your parents! 

Teddy Bear Sundaes

These are a perfect way to wrap up a unit study on bears. Or for a themed unit on the Three Bears.
  • Ice cream - chocolate or vanilla
  • M & M's or other small candies
  • small round chocolate or vanilla wafers
  • chocolate sprinkles or toasted coconut
1. Make the head by placing a scoop of ice cream in a bowl or cup.
2. Use candies for the eyes, nose and mouth. Press two cookies straight up into the "head" for ears.
3. Sprinkle coconut on top for a polar bear, chocolate sprinkles for a brown bear. 

It's simple but fun to make! What are you waiting for? Try it out :)
Ms Elisa

Friday, 25 February 2011

An unforgettable experience

Going to the Singapore study tour is an unforgettable experience to me!
I've seen the students gain a lots in the trip, learn to handle things themselves, taking care of their groups mates and be independence. I'm so proud of them!

Let's share some photos :)

Monday, 10 January 2011

A beautiful quote for you all

Hey boys and girls... It's getting colder and colder, the temperature will drop slightly again in the following days... dress well and keep yourself warm =)

Here i have a quote to share with you all -
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:  it is the time for home - Edith Sitwell

May this winter brings you happy moment with your friends and family!
Miss Elisa 

Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy New Year!! Welcome to 2011!!

Hi boys & girls!

Let's say good bye to 2010 and welcome a brand new year, 2011!
Welcome back to school after enjoying the Christmas & New Year holidays. 
As the New year is about to blossom, I wish you all great time ahead,
and may you all achieve all that you wish for… Happy New Year!!

You're welcome to share your wishes here with us =)

Friday, 26 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!


Today is the Thanksgiving Day!!! May you enjoy it with your friends and family!!
How much do you know about Thanksgiving? Let me tell you more...

Thanksgiving Day first started in New England. It was for thanking God for the abundant harvest of crops. This is usually somewhere in late fall when the crops have been harvested. People from many parts of the world have been holding some kind of harvest festivals for thousands of years. They just called it by different names.
For example :
U.K. - Harvest Festival UK
China - mid-autumn festival
Korea - Chu Suk, or also known as the Harvest Moon Festival.
India - Indian Harvest Festival
Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. While it may have been religious in origin, Thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday. It is sometimes casually referred to as Turkey Day.

However, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on a different day in a different counties... In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is Columbus Day in the United States. In the United States, it falls on the fourth Thursday of November.

Traditional thanksgiving dinners those days usually includes turkeys cranberries, fish, dried fruit, clams, venison, plums and lobsters. Modern times thanksgiving dinners include the pumpkin pie. 

After reading so much about Thanksgiving, may you have a better understand of this festival =)

Ms Elisa xxx